Focusing on developing projects that evoke, inspire and transcend.
Check out more specifics here.
We offer curation services for artwork and objects from an individual piece to a large scale project. We can define creative direction as well as select the artworks for your collection including framing and hardware. If you are looking for inspiration, need help finding a missing piece or want to build your collection we are here to help.
We will design and style your space by sourcing and/or utilizing existing pieces from your collection. We want to revitalize your space with an emphasis on decluttering and showcasing items that stimulate and represent your values. It could be styling a shelf or accessorizing a full room, we want to bring your space to life.
We offer packages to breakdown the needs of your project — small to large. Through defining the perimeters, creating the strategy, projecting a realistic budget and setting in place the means to realize your objectives. We are excited to put in place a plan for your project and help you make it happen.
We oversee the full scope of a project from the start to completion. This includes managing all outside consultants and facilitating each stage of a project. From commissioning, ordering, crating, shipping and installation. We are here to help your collection become a realization and manage the details so you do not have to.
We are always looking for artists, designers and brands wanting to collaborate creatively. We love finding a creative solution for a company as well as helping a maker accomplish their vision. Get in touch if you have an idea and want to discuss or have something to share that you think we need to know about.
We offer artists guidance with expertise in portfolios, contracts and purchase orders. How to define your work’s value, how to document and market appropriately. We can review and give direction on your portfolio and/or website. Both official representation and consulting available depending on your needs.
We offer a mentorship program for young artists and curators to help guide them in their future artistic practices. The program offers two three month mentorships starting in the spring and fall. Find out how to apply here.
Image sources: KLD for Studio Little Red, Matheus Viana, Robin Schreiner, Natallia Rak and Retha Ferguson for Pexels, Sarah Pflug for Burst.